Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

The possibilities are endless...

Seriously how good are The Steal? Been spinning Bright Grey constantly for about 3 weeks. Amazing record. Unfortunately most record buying has had to take a back seat till probably after Christmas, which is a bitch because I've found somewhere to get Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie for none-ridiculous ebay prices. They're playing in Edinburgh on November 14th, which I'm definitely going to try and make it.

Set up an international and erasmus student society at Uni and I happen to be the President. I was kinda forced into the role! But I'm looking forward to it - the first party should be on Saturday 15th. We should be having a pub night before then as well, probably the Sunday, Monday or Tuesday of that week. Should be fun yo.

Got a week off next week and I'm going home for it. Meh.

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